Sunday, December 4, 2011

Technology and Logic: Does not compute

I think it's time I shared a secret with you guys, a pretty major one. This could alter the nature of our relationship forever. So brace yourself, cause here goes....

I am a computer science major with about as much technological knowhow as my grandmother.

Everyone still breathing?

Looking back on those words I realize I left a subtle clue when I said "a pretty MAJOR one." Anyway, back to my point. I don't know a lot about technology, nor do I pretend to. "Hey Brad, can you set up my printer? Your a computer science type" my roommate asks. "Oh sure, that stuff's easy" I reply. That happened like three weeks into the semester, and it is still on my to-do list (or as I call it, my stuff-I-really-should-do-sometime-soon list). So maybe I SOMETIMES pretend to know more than I do....

I wish that was the only example. The other night, just five seconds after I finished a phone call, my iPhone started vibrating. It wasn't like a normal vibrate where it goes bzzzz-pause-bzzzz. It was more like bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz until I turned it off, praying that it didn't explode. That seemed to do the trick, and when I turned it back on there were no issues. Do I have an answer for why that happened?
(Oh snap it went there!)

Then there was the time I spilt Mountain Dew on my laptop and it broke a day later. Now, to be fair, I do understand that soda (or pop, or sodapop, or however you say it) and computers don't exactly mix. We learned that the first day of Computer Science 160. However, what I don't understand is what the Genius at Apple told me. (I'm not trying to be sarcastic: their job title is literally Genius). Apparently, the problem wasn't that the soda damaged it, but that my hardrive just kinda broke. For no reason. A day after it was drenched in Mountain Dew. I'm not complaining: I didn't have to pay a dime to fix it (excluding cost of light-rail tickets). But I'm not sure that I can explain my luck.

I remember that I turned in a paper to my Scholar Citizen professor who majored in Computer Science (and now teaches philosophy: welcome to Augsburg). He told me it was very articulate for a Computer Science major, which is probably the closet to a complement I'll get from him. I later asked him if he could clarify that statement. He said that sometimes Comp Sci majors didn't know how to write. I think, given my ability articulate myself, and my inability to explain half the problems I have with technology, I might be in the wrong academic field....

1 comment:

  1. You have eight followers, and at least one reader. Good writing Brad!
