Saturday, December 24, 2011

A short Christmas story

Once upon a time there was a girl named Gina. She was short, short-tempered and mischievous but she had a golden heart. Shortly after her 18th birthday, she had to travel far away from her family to go to college in a magical place called Auggietown. She packed up all her clothes, jewelry, belongings and her favorite teddy bear. She hugged all of her family and then she was off on her own, ready to experience all the world offered.

Gina got to Auggietown and immediately made friends with almost everyone she met. She studied hard (or hardly studied, depending on how many parties there were that weekend), she explored the city and because she was so likable, she never had to go to dinner alone, which is a very nerve-racking experience. Like omg, totes not a good time. I, like, get goosebumps just thinking about it. But despite all of the wonderful times she had at Auggietown in her first semester, she couldn't help but feel like something was missing. Gina was never quite sure of what it was. She had plenty of great friends, she was happy most of the time, she wasn't failing her classes, she got along with everyone. What could be missing?

Then one day in November Gina figured out what she was missing. It was around the time of Thanksgiving. All of her friends were talking about going home for the holiday and Gina couldn't because her family lived too far away and she had no money. It was her family that was missing, and while her friends were great, they couldn't keep her company over Thanksgiving break. One by one, her close friends got in their cars or got picked up and departed Auggietown to go back to the places they were from. All the while Gina wasn't able to. "Forever Alone" she sighed as her dear friend Alia got on the trolley and rode off into the sunset.

When December rolled around and it came close to Christmas, Gina became determined to not spend this holiday alone like she did on Thanksgiving. Cause like, the break for Christmas was a month. A MONTH. She was totes not spending a month by her lonesome. She asked her dear friend Alia if she could spend the break at her house.

"I'm sorry Gina" Alia replied with a frown, "but I just don't think that will work out."

"I try to love you but you never love me back" Gina said a little melodramatically.

"Oh Gina, that's not true" Alia hugged her short friend. After a few seconds, Alia said "We could find a suitcase big enough to hold you. I mean, you're not that tall, and we could stick some Powerbars or something inside if you get hungry."

Gina contemplated this idea for a second, but then decided against it. So then she went to ask her friend Joe, who was nice but also naive at times. And an idiot. And he listened to too much gangster music.

"Joe, is it possible that I could spend Christmas at your house?"

"You serious right now?" he asked.

"Yes Joe, that's why I'm asking" Gina replied as she rolled her eyes. "I promise I won't complain too much if you play that awful music you listen too on the way there."

"Hmmmm" Joe stared off into the sky while he thought. Cause the answers TOTALLY up in the clouds Gina thought, suppressing the urge to be overly sarcastic. "Gina I just don't think that'll work out. I gotz relatives coming over this year and there won't be any room for you. Sorry shorty."

One by one, she got similar responses from everyone she asked. Crestfallen, she then asked the one friend who could help her: the kind-hearted Drew.

"Drewwwwwwwwwwwww" she called as she knocked on his door. He opened it, wearing his winter hat and rubbing sleep out of his eyes. "What's up?" he asked.

"Drew I need somewhere to stay over winter break. Is it possible that I could crash at your place?"

He shook his head. "Sorry, but there's no room for you to stay."

"I could keep all my things in the garage," Gina suggested.

"There's a hobo living in our garage" he replied. If anyone else had said that, Gina would've called him or her out for lying. With Drew however, it could only be true. "Forever Alone" she sighed as she walked away.

Gina then went for a short walk, feeling like life had cheated her. Christmas was supposed to be about family, about sharing the holidays with people that care and love you. But she couldn't go home, and she couldn't stay with anyone in her new college family. It was set to be a very lonely Christmas.

Just then, Gina heard a car knock right behind her. She was jolted from her thoughts and decided to see what jackass had felt it necessary to give her such a shook. When she turned, she had no time to see who it was before she was embraced in a very loving hug. "Oh Gina, we missed you so much!" a familiar voice declared. It was her mom. She pulled away and was swiftly embraced by her dad.

"Gina, you look like your freezing! Come on, get in the car. We have a lot of catching up to do." It turned out that her parents decided that since Gina couldn't come home for the holidays, they would come to her instead. She no longer had to spend the holidays alone, and Christmas that year was the best thing she ever could've asked for.

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