Monday, December 12, 2011

Finals, Projects and Final Projects

Ok that title is a lie. I don't have any final projects to do, as all mine are already done. I just have to study for my finals and find time to not go crazy (harder than it sounds).

I had an interesting chat with a friend of mine today (I'll just call her the Redhead-she knows who she is). She stated that she was now following my blog and asked why I hadn't written anything in over a week. My first reaction was "Sweet, another follower!" My second reaction was "Dang, it's already been a week?" My third reaction was "OMG FINALS :(" and then my fourth reaction was to say "I've been a little too busy to write because of finals. In fact, I've been too busy to do a lot of stuff because of finals.

I've, in the past three weeks or so, spontaneously decided to take on a lot of projects. I'm really good at having impulse decisions and not thinking them through. This blog was largely an impulse decision. On top of that, I've attempted to teach myself guitar by borrowing my neighbor's every now and then, I've ran for and gotten elected to student government (we'll see how well I do with responsibility), I decided to write an article for the campus newspaper (and did it), and tis the season to do Christmas shopping.

What does this all mean? Well for one thing, I managed to fit a plug in for this blog in the campus newspaper, so Oh Snap It Went There just got a major boost to its cred. Nuff said. But it also means that I have a ton of junk I'm now a part of next semester. I'll start doing stuff for student government come January and I'll hopefully get to write for the newspaper again. I'm glad that neither of these involve responsibilities that I'm required to take care of right now, cause I would fail so hard. I already failed to buy Christmas gifts for everyone I wanted to, and have to get some belated gifts to hand out once the new semester starts. There needs to be a time in January where it's socially acceptable to give gifts to people you forget/spent too much time overthinking what to get them and thus didn't get anything. Christmas 2.0 maybe.

I haven't practiced guitar in a few weeks, mainly due to not having time because of all schoolwork I have to do. I missed a few people on my Christmas list. And this is without my new responsibilities as a part of student government or maybe a frequent contributor to the campus paper. Not to mention that I'm in Honor's so I have a larger courseload than the average student. I'm suddenly not sure if I'm going to be able to balance all of that next semester. I mean, I've already slipped up a few times, and instead of ditching the less important stuff, I'm just adding more. And having reviewed my schedule for next semester, I'm confident it will require more effort than the classes I'm wrapping up with this week. Plus, this blog ain't gonna write itself, so I'll have to actually set aside time to write a post if I actually want to keep going with it, which I so do. Siiiigh. At least there's not another Christmas next semester to add to my stress, unless Hallmark decides I was on to something with my Christmas 2.0 idea and makes it a legit holiday.

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