Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Double Meaning of Sketches

I try to make the titles of everything I do as witty and creative as possible. In the context of this blog, it serves to give the reader the false belief that the content they are about to read will be thought provoking, though in actuality it's just my mindless rambling. So consider yourself punked, Ashton Kutcher style.

Random segue aside, the first sketch I want to discuss is the same type of sketch I discussed in my previous post. That's right, I'm still trying to teach myself how to draw. I haven't given up quite yet. And, much like my attempts to teach myself guitar, I am actually making progress. Just a few nights ago, I drew the cartoon version of my friend that was described by my friends as decent. Compared to the normal "atrocious", I'd say I'm moving on up in the art world. Not to mention it gives me something to do when I'm not reading. I think to fulfill my art graduation requirement I'll take a drawing class or two. It may end up being a fun adventure that will strengthen a skill which I severely lack. Trust me, most of my sketches make my soul cry. On second thought, there may be a lucrative business to be made with soul-crushing drawings. I could design Hot Topic shirts for a living.

Now for the second type of sketch. A friend of mine had the idea for creating a sketch group where we would create videos centered around campus life and other comedic ventures. He proposed this last semester, but we are finally working at it and making some astounding progress. The script for the first video is already completed, we have a list of at least 30 items of other things we will attempt to do, and many people are already on board to help with their respective talents. What fascinated me most about this was the meeting we had today. The first script involves the use of many forms of alternate energy sources to.... I don't wanna spoil anything. Suffice to say, there are multiple usages of non fossil fuels that function to provide an obstacle for the protagonist in a way I will not spoil. That's when a revelation struck me. While we are using this for comedic effect, someone else could watch our final product and interpret it as a political message. None of us meant for that to be inherit in the script, but as clear as day, the symbolism is present. Approaching it from a psychological  perspective, as I am apt to do, I think it speaks to a natural drive in humans to craft a work that includes symbolic elements and a cycle of events. Pretty much every story has a common structure, with a cycle of events that led to a resolution. Almost all movies are predictable in a sense because of this, and I think the reason that this is even present, that I am even able to notice the subvert implications of what are video could be interpreted as, reflects a commonality amongst the human population. There are multiple layers to everything, and I believe one of those layers is universal to everyone that inhabits planet Earth.

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